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First Steps on a New Journey

Updated: May 26, 2020

After years of putting everything else first, I have finally begun a new journey as a practising artist. I have always felt somewhat self conscious about my creative endeavours, preferring to keep them private and at home. Perhaps it is maturity that has emboldened me? Perhaps a new sense of being comfortable in my skin and acknowledging my strengths and focussing on developing them further.

Since a child I have always enjoyed art and music. A trait I inherited from my father who was incredibly talented and yet humble. He was a self taught musician who valued the Arts, and wrote original scores for musicals that he produced as a young man. I adored him.

It was my parents, Huw and Pauline who encouraged me on leaving school, to go to University to further develop my artistic skills and study Fine Arts. On completion of my Honours Degree in Printmaking, I enrolled in a post graduate course in teaching. Teaching art has been a thread that has weaved through the fabric of my life, providing me with the opportunity to remain connected with the Arts. I have dabbled over the years in etchings (which I love as a medium), drawing and more recently painting.

At University I saw myself as a printmaker who found a black line on white paper intrinsically evocative and expressive. I never envisaged myself as a painter but now the smell of oil paint and turps in my studio is equally seductive. The expressive nature and beauty of line is still very prevalent in my work.

Cape Cornwall "Oil on Board" 2019

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